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HTML in 10 Steps or Less [Ebook]

HTML in 10 Steps or Less
If you are building your own Web pages and need HTML solutions fast, then this book is for you-whether you're new to Web site authoring or you need a quick refresher on how to create a table. Open the book and you'll discover clear, easy-to-follow instructions for more than 250 key HTML Web tasks, each presented in ten quick steps-or less. Easy-to-navigate pages, lots of screen shots, and to-the-point directions guide you through every common (and not so common) HTML challenge-and help you get more done in less time.
  • Each solution is ten steps-or less-to help you get the job done fast
  • Self-contained two-page spreads deliver the answers you need-without flipping pages
  • A no-fluff approach focuses on helping you achieve results
  • A resource packed with useful and fun ways to get the most out of HTML
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  1. mr daoud im having problems logging into my towjoe44.daoudsoftwares.com and or towjoe.daoudsoftwares.com i dont know why it will not recognize my login or password
    any assistance would be grand !!

    1. dear i am resolving your problem. please check again.
